I keep a more family oriented blog, and this has to do with my family, we live in this house, but I'm using this forum to chronicle the impact of the real estate boom and subsequent crash on us!
This is our house as we found it circa 2006.
The real fact is that talking about one's mortgage is a bit taboo. Greater still, not paying your mortgage. In this way, I feel that this posting is a declaration, of sorts. Coming out of the closet to the world. The more I spend time here, the more confusing what is right and wrong can be, or why something is necessarily wrong or right.
Silas and I have moved beyond talking and thinking about not paying our mortgage. We are not paying our mortgage. We are fully prepared for the ramifications of our actions, and are camping on boldness and fearlessness.
This is a hard place to find ourselves, and yet, liberating. I hope this blog will ignite something in you, good, bad or otherwise. I'll keep each entry short, though I could type volumes. More on this later....
This is a hard place to find ourselves, and yet, liberating. I hope this blog will ignite something in you, good, bad or otherwise. I'll keep each entry short, though I could type volumes. More on this later....