Personal Journal: the strategic default of the house we purchased in 2006

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Definition of Insanity

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Albert Einstein

I think I might be crazy.  The heart/pocket book ache of last year, and selling our house still smarts.  Who in their right mind would willingly walk into another situation again?  Committed again to a house?  Silas would.   That is Silas' hand signing his name, with a date!

We have to move, it's the whole truth.  We can fudge the 'when' of moving, but we have to do it.  We decided that we would keep a tentative-eye on what is for sale.  Last week we found a modest house, at a modest price.  

It has a shop and an office for Silas' small business.  I would want nicer flooring, and appliances, but the price is right, that isn't such an issue.  The real selling point is the location.  The three acres touch the land that I grew up on.  My parents are a simple walk through the trees, past an orchard.  What a fun childhood, running over to grandma's.

There are many things that might not work out.  We only made an offer.  There might be termites, there might be bad water.  If those are problems, we can stay in house in purgatory.  The pool sure helps!