Personal Journal: the strategic default of the house we purchased in 2006

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ideas for "Easy" Moving

It has been a solid year since I called the mortgage company and turned off the auto-mortgage-payment.  It was one of the hardest/bravest things I have done.  It was hard for me to openly choose to do something that others could judge (blogging about it didn't help there, but it set me free in another way).  I like to choose to do anti-social things that people can't see me do.  A year of water under the bridge, and I can look back to see that the time that part of the story took during my life was transformative, and very brief.  

As with the social consequences of defaulting on a loan, renting also has a downside: instability.  

It seems that financial strain is fine for a while, but terrible over a long period, which is why I understand that our landlords want to be done owning this house.  It also means that we have to move or find a way to buy this house.  I hate moving, have I said that?  Not that I was getting too comfortable here, or haven't moved 7 times as an adult already.

My attempt at enjoying a space, even for a short time.
Here are some ideas I had, as I look at my stuff and think about putting it back into the boxes:

Buy a new fridge when we get where we are going.
Sell all our things on ebay months in advance.
Don't get too comfortable.
Pull our guitars, computers, children and pets to the curb, and start a house fire (not suggested).
Pay for weekly garbage service, and throw most of our old stuff that won't sell on ebay away.
Don't be sentimental: Take some time to consolidate the 5 trunks of memorabilia my husband's mother saved from his childhood.
Don't keep junk: Throw or give away the threadbare towels we got as wedding gifts 15 years ago.
Donate the ice cream scooper to the Hospice Thrift.  Who needs one of those, I already have a spoon.